keeping up with it all

You know though weeks where you feel like you're treading water, feeling as if you're barely keeping your head above water?  This past week has been one of those for me.  I realized this weekend that the end of both the spring and fall semester are not only busy, but they also both fall at busy times in my personal life -- fall semester right before Christmas, and spring semester at planting time.  With a long to-do list at both work and home, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and overworked.  

This past weekend was no exception to that.  I left work on Friday with a to-do list for the upcoming week that was a bit scary and came home to a list that was much more exciting, but a bit daunting as well.  

It's on weekends like these, that I try to remind myself that while that list of things is important, and mostly necessary, it's not what really matters in the end.  What matters are the moments that I spend making memories with those I love.  

So while some work did happen this weekend, like edging a flower bed, dusting/sweeping the house, and grading grammar tests.  There were also many things that didn't happen - infusing/bottling kombucha, cleaning the kitchen, laundry, laundry, and more laundry...the list goes on.  

However, there were some great moments with my loved ones that did happen.  A Twins game, two bonfires, an impromptu chat with my dear Auntie, and burgers with my love, to name a few.  

The lists still remain, but that's ok.  I feel rested and full.  And that's what matters.  

I hope this past weekend was one for you to remember, even if those memories are as simple as a backyard bonfire on a quiet spring evening.  My hope is that those beautiful moments will carry us through our busy weeks.  

Cheers to you and yours on this Monday morn.