chicken happenings

The chickens have become very fond of their outside home and yard...sometimes a bit too fond of the yard part of that combo...I officially have a couple of trouble makers on my hands, namely Henrietta and Birdie.  They are partners in crime.  Henrietta is super cute and sweet about it--just always curious about what's going on and wanting to be involved.  In the process, she gets into trouble.  Birdie, on the other hand, can usually be found running around my yard and garden boldly smashing and eating my precious plants.  There has been a lot more chicken chasing happening around here as of late.

Mischief aside, though, they are a constant and hilarious source of entertainment in our yard.  Here are a few pictures from moments when I've been able to capture their antics over the past week.   

Happy Friday to you all!  I hope your weekend is filled with wonderful memories and moments of rest!