sleepy time tea

As I mentioned back in February, I've been diving into the world of herbs!  I've learned so much over the past couple months, yet still have so much to learn!  I've mostly been experimenting with herbal teas--both for medicinal purposes and everyday uses--and what I've found is that some of the herbs are so very easy to incorporate into everyday life!  My favorite everyday blend that I've created so far has been my Sleepy Time blend.  There is nothing quite like a warm cup of tea to help you wind down after a long day or a full evening--especially when the tea puts relaxing herbs to use like chamomile and lavender.  

Sleepy Time Tea :: helps calm and relax the body before bed 

2 parts chamomile flowers

1 part peppermint leaves

1 part spearmint leaves

1/2 part licorice root*

1/2 part lavender flowers

Mix together and store in an airtight container.  Use 1-2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water.  Steep for about 5 minutes.  Enjoy!

*omit the licorice root if pregnant

The best part about blending herbal teas, is that you can experiment with your own ratios--if the flavor is not to your liking, then mix it up and add a bit more of what you like.  It's so very easy.  And if sourced from the right place, it can be ever so affordable (far less expensive than using prepackaged tea bags)!!  I have been buying some of my herbs from our food co-op, but whatever I can't find there I've bought from Mountain Rose Herbs.  They are a great company, sourcing quality herbs and other herbal products. 

If you're looking for a good intro to herbs book, I've found Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs for Beginners book very helpful as well!