garden notes :: 6.23.15

I love how much the garden can change in just two weeks, especially in the month of June!  We've had perfect garden weather with days and nights of long steady rain, followed by days of hot sunshine and humidity.  Everything is thriving, especially the tomatoes, peppers, and tomatillo.  This past week I staked and tied the tomatoes and started a trellis for the pole beans.  The garlic has also been doing well and just last night I trimmed off the scapes and we grilled them with some asparagus for dinner.  They were pretty good!  The oregano and rhubarb are also enjoying this summer in the garden.  I'm excited for next year when the real rhubarb picking can begin!  (After transplanting/dividing rhubarb, you shouldn't really harvest much of anything until the third year.)  As for my garden flowers, I now have a few other things blooming!!  I love the continuous blooms that have been happening this year on that side of the garden.  The constant color is perfectly wonderful.  


We're headed out of town for a few weeks and I must say that it is hard to leave my growing garden and growing chickens!  However, I know they'll be in good hands and by the time we come home, we may have bush beans ready for picking and definitely tons of greens and herbs on our hands! 

How about you, friends, what's happening in your gardens these days??