happenings 'round the homestead

It's been a full few weeks around this little homestead of ours!  With all things baby, a trip out to Michigan to visit family, and spring springing around each corner.  Flowers are blooming, perennials are up and filling out, the garden is waiting for seeds and seedlings, and the chickens are enjoying the longer days, the rain, and the sun!  I love the softness of the spring blooms--lavenders, whites, and light pinks.  The flowers tend to be small and delicate, just like spring.  

The busyness over the past few weeks has made it a bit difficult to get the garden up and running as I'd hoped.  The soil needs to be worked and there are peas and raddishes to get in the ground.  However, it will all get done eventually, it always does!  I did get my pots planted on the deck with lettuce, swiss chard, and arugala.  The garlic, rhubarb, and herbs in the garden are also doing well!  The rain we've had over the past few days has made things really start to take off!  We'll have garlic scapes in no time!    

We got two new chicks a few weeks back and they are about ready to join the older ladies in the coop.  They been spending their days in the yard and nights under a light in the garage, but they are very curious about the older hens and can often be found looking at them through the fence. These two little ones bring us to a total of eight chickens.  The time has come for us to begin to stagger our flock and keep it young and productive.  We have decided to cull two of our hens this summer/fall for meat.  More on that later...but for now, aren't our new little chicks cute?? Their names are Violet (the brown Ameraucana) and Fingers (as in Chicken Fingers...yes...).  Fingers is a Maran and she will lay chocolate brown eggs!  I'm so very excited!  

Next week will hopefully bring lots of sunshine and time in the garden!  How about you?  What's happening around your homestead?