The best kind of days start and end with dirt on my feet and grass between my toes! Hooray for planting season! This week has been filled with trips to the green house and the local garden center, and with planting and more planting! The new shrubs, perrenials, and annuals are almost all in the ground and the rest of the veggies will go in this weekend. This year more than ever before, it being our third full summer at this house, I'm beginning to see the slow work of landscaping a yard turn into something really beautiful. So many of my plants and shrubs are still so small, but their potential is evident.
This year's additions include a Candy Lights Azalea, a Black Lace Elderberry, a slew of perrenials, and three Chippewa Blueberry bushes!! I'm very excited about all of them, but especially the three little blueberries. It will be a few years before they are producing well, but the wait should be worth it!
How about you?! What are you planting these days?